Quality means doing it right when no one is looking


  • A detailed examination including risk assessment, risk evaluation, and risk management alternatives, performed to understand the nature of unwanted, negative consequences to human life, health, property, or the environment; an analytical process quantification of the probabilities and expected consequences for identified risks.

  • We provide detailed reports on security-related occurrence or action likely to lead to death, injury, or monetary loss. We also provide post incident reporting for assault against an employee, customer, or supplier on company property.

  • We also provide Expert Witness testimony in certain areas relating to public safety and corporate training.

  • We follow the ALICE Training provides guidance to schools on how to respond to an armed assailant or other violent critical incident. While necessary, it is important to ensure that drills are age- and ability-appropriate for students to avoid traumatizing children.

Schedule your appointment today

We are an experienced risk Safety consultant Based in Cincinnati Ohio. We  possess the expertise to effectively identify and analyze potential future events that may adversely impact your company.

Discover potential risk to your company

Introducing our risk safety consulting services based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our proven process involves identifying and analyzing potential future events that may have a negative impact on your company. With our expertise, you can confidently navigate through any challenges that come your way.

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